Modernizing Cost-Effectivness To Support Grid Decarbonization
The FLEXvalue engine is a significant advancement for cost-effectiveness transparency, accessibility, and flexibility and can serve as a building block to innovative programs and performance based regulation. However, it represents only part of a solution to a much larger and more complicated set of regulatory barriers.
Recurve has been vocal on the need to modernize cost-effectiveness testing so that it can function appropriately in a much more dynamic grid with complex, over-lapping priorities and value streams. Below is a white-paper (Adam Scheer) and CPUC comments (Carmen Best) that go deeper into the issue of cost-effectiveness, written from the perspective of Recurve Analytics:
Recurve has been vocal on the need to modernize cost-effectiveness testing so that it can function appropriately in a much more dynamic grid with complex, over-lapping priorities and value streams. Below is a white-paper (Adam Scheer) and CPUC comments (Carmen Best) that go deeper into the issue of cost-effectiveness, written from the perspective of Recurve Analytics:
Cost-effectiveness has gone from a technical metric understood mainly by subject matter experts to a primary decision-making factor governing the evolution of the EE portfolios. Given the central role cost-effectiveness now plays, there is a need to understand how specific cost-effectiveness policies and tools are enabling or inhibiting EE and demand side management (DSM) program administrators (PAs) from developing portfolios that best serve customer interests, and grid and decarbonization goals. (Full Article)
The potential and goals framework for energy efficiency is an important link for meeting the state’s decarbonization goals. However, the existing construct for establishing potential, setting goals, and implementing energy efficiency needs to be overhauled to meet these goals in an efficient, streamlined manner. California needs to recalibrate its myriad of historic policies and well-intentioned initiatives to ensure that all are properly valuing demand flexibility resources in order to support a reliable, decarbonized grid. (Full Article)